Your support films will arrive securely packed in a grid-box as shown below, with the base grid and support film details clearly labelled. Every box carries a identification number. Please retain this number for your records in case of any questions regarding the grids.
For our standard 100 grid pack size, the grids will arrive in a box as shown below. In addition to its unique identification number, these boxes also have a Quantifoil registry number. Please retain both numbers in case of any questions. This grid-box style is also used for our 50-grid pack size, but with only one side of the box filled. In both cases, a single grid is placed in each grid-box slot with the film-coated side facing the center of the box. Every slot in the box is uniquely identified by a letter (column) and number (row) for your future reference.
For our 25 grid pack size (available on request for some grid formats), the grids will arrive in a box similar to that shown below. These smaller grid-boxes do not have a Quantifoil registry number. Every slot in the box is still uniquely identified by a letter (column) and number (row) for your future reference, and with this style of box, each grid is placed with the film-coated side facing towards those numbers (i.e. towards the left of the box when the letters labelling the columns are at the top).